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This is the community wiki page for the gene pmm2 please feel free to add any information that is relevant to this gene that is not already captured elsewhere in Xenbase

nomenclature changes


RSCOM-692 Nomenclature for pmm1 and pmm2

Can you please take a look at pmm2 (GeneID:100216238 , XB-GENE-998969) and pmm1 (GeneID: 100127589, XB-GENE-974466)? Synteny and protein similarity comparisons to human PMM2 (NP_000294) and PMM1 (NP_002667.2) suggest that the two X. tropicalis gene symbols should be switched. It looks like there could also be an issue with the X. laevis orthologs (please look at pmm2.S and pmm1.L) Xb:response

XB-GENEPAGE-998968 has Xtrop GeneID:100216238 , XB-GENE-998969 currently pmm2 on chr4

XB-GENEPAGE-974465 has Xtrop GeneID: 100127589, XB-GENE-974466 currently pmm1 on chr9

Synteny supports that pmm1 and pmm2 Xenopus genes are misidentified, and the names and orthology assertions have been swapped.

XB-GENEPAGE-998968 has Xtrop GeneID:100216238 , XB-GENE-998969 has been renamed pmm1

XB-GENEPAGE-974465 has Xtrop GeneID: 100127589, XB-GENE-974466 has been renamed pmm2

no S model for X. laevis pmm2

LOOKED for Xla.pmm2.S—not there!

Chr9_10L: abat.L> tmem186.L> “pmm2.L”> carhsp1.L<

Chr9_10S: abat.S> xxxxxx xxxxxx. carhsp1.S<