Lab Solutions and Reagents
- recipes for miscellaneous salts, solutions, etc. (Khokha lab)
- agarose plates 1% - for use with laevis or tropicalis
- amphibian Ringers, 5 gal (19 L)
- bleaching solution (Sive et al. 2000, Mayor et al. 1995)
- Bouin’s fixative
- cysteine, 2.0%
- dehydrating embryos
- dNTPs 10 mM
- 2.5% Ficoll
- 3% Ficoll in 1/9XMR (for use with X.tropicalis embryos)
- gentamicin stock, Sigma (1000X, 100 mg/ml)
- HEPES 1 M, pH 7.4
- hybridization buffer
- levamisol 1 M
- MAB, 10X
- 1M MgCl2
- MEMFA* (Sive et al. 2000)
- 100X MR salts
- 1/3X Modified Ringers
- 1/9X MR + 1% Gentamicin
- 1/20X MR
- modified Ringers
- 4M NaCl, 1 liter
- phosphate buffered saline(PBS), 10X
- proteinase K(PK), 10 mg/ml
- PTw
- rehydrating embryos (for embryos stored in 100% methanol)
- RNase A (Sigma R 5000)
- RNase T1 (Sigma R8251)
- SDS 10%
- SSC, 20X
- TAE 50X