Adult Xenopus photographs and images

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Images of adult Xenopus for use in teaching and research. Feel free to add your own images that you would like to share. If you use an image please cite the individual/organization that is credited on this page. All images are copyright CC BY-NC 4.0

adult Xenopus laevis male
Brainbow transgenic adult Xenopus laevis male at NXR. Photo and copyright by Peter Vize
Male Xenopus laevis albino adult
Adult albino Xenopus laevis (male), photo copyright Peter Vize
Xenopus parietal lateral line, frog lateral line
Xenopus laevis lateral line organs of the head. The lateral line organs surrounding the eye and above the jaw are clear, as are the parietal lateral line organs in the center of the head, behind the nostrils. Photo/image copyright Peter Vize
Xenopus laevis adult, albino strain. Lateral line organs clear. Photo/image copyright Peter Vize
Male Xenopus laevis transgenic adult
Adult Xenopus laevis (male), photo copyright Peter Vize
Male Xenopus laevis nuptial pad, mating pad
Adult Xenopus laevis forelimb ventral view (male), nuptial pad obvious photo copyright Peter Vize
Adult Xenopus laevis high resolution
Adult Xenopus laevis (dorsal view) at NXR. Photo copyright Peter Vize