List of Xenopus Anatomy Terms
- B cell
- Islets of Langerhans
- Jacobson's organ
- Keller explant
- Meckel's cartilage
- Merkel cell
- Mullerian duct
- Rathke's pouch
- Rohon-Beard neuron
- Stirnorgan
- T cell
- Xenopus anatomical entity
- abdominal myoblast
- absorptive cell
- acellular anatomical structure
- acid secreting cell
- acinar cell
- activin-induced ectoderm
- adipose tissue
- adrenal cortex
- adrenal gland
- adrenal medulla
- adult immune system
- alimentary system
- alkali secreting cell
- amphibian papilla
- anatomical cluster
- anatomical direction
- anatomical entity in vitro
- anatomical group
- anatomical region
- anatomical site
- anatomical space
- anatomical structure
- anatomical system
- animal
- animal blastomere
- animal cap
- animal cap inner layer
- animal cap outer layer
- animal hemisphere
- animal part, late involuting
- anterior
- anterior cardinal vein
- anterior lymph heart
- anterior lymph sac
- anterior neural fold
- anterior neural tube
- anterior palatine artery
- aorta
- aortic arch
- aortic arch 1
- aortic arch 2
- aortic arch 3
- aortic arch 4
- aortic arch 5
- aortic arch 6
- appendage
- appendicular skeleton
- archencephalic region
- archenteron
- archenteron floor
- archenteron roof
- arteria iliaca communis
- arteria mesenterica posterior
- arteria subclavia
- arterial endothelium
- artery
- auditory apparatus
- auditory ossicle
- auditory tube
- axial mesoderm
- barrier cell
- barrier epithelial cell
- basal lamina
- basilar papilla
- bile duct
- biliary tree
- bladder
- blastocoel
- blastocoel anlage
- blastocoel roof
- blastoderm cell
- blastomere
- blastopore
- blastopore lip
- blood
- blood island
- blood vessel
- bone
- bone marrow
- bottle cell
- brain
- braincase and otic capsule skeleton
- branchial arch
- branchial arch 1
- branchial arch 2
- branchial arch 3
- branchial arch 4
- branchial arch skeleton
- branchial arch skeleton 1
- branchial arch skeleton 2
- branchial arch skeleton 3
- branchial arch skeleton 4
- branchial crest
- bronchus
- capillary
- capillary system of liver
- cardiac mesoderm
- cardiac progenitor cell
- cardiac ventricle
- cardinal vein
- cardiovascular system
- carpus
- cartilage
- caudal artery
- caudal lateral line
- caudal vein
- caudal vertebra
- cavitated compound organ
- cell
- cement gland
- cement gland primordium
- cementoblast
- central endoderm
- central nervous system
- cephalic nerve
- cerebellum
- cerebral artery
- cervical vertebra
- choana
- chondroblast
- chondrocranium
- chondrocyte
- chordal neural plate
- chordoneural hinge
- choroid fissure
- ciliary body
- ciliary marginal zone
- ciliated epidermal cell
- circulating cell
- circulatory system
- circumblastoporal collar
- claw
- cloaca
- coeliaco-mesenteric artery
- coelomic epithelium
- coelomic filter chamber
- colon
- compound organ
- compound organ component
- conjunctiva
- cornea
- cortex
- cranial ganglion
- cranial nerve
- cranial nerve I
- cranial nerve II
- cranial nerve III
- cranial nerve IV
- cranial nerve IX
- cranial nerve V
- cranial nerve VI
- cranial nerve VII
- cranial nerve VIII
- cranial nerve X
- cranial neural crest
- cranial placode
- cranium
- deep
- deep (mesenchymal) layer
- dental epithelium
- dermal system
- dermatocranium
- dermatome
- dermis
- deuterencephalic region
- diencephalon
- digestive enzyme secreting cell
- digit
- disaggregated/reaggregated ectoderm treated with activin
- distal
- dorsal
- dorsal aorta
- dorsal fin
- dorsal hyoid arch skeleton
- dorsal lateral line
- dorsal lateral plate region
- dorsal lymph space
- dorsal marginal zone
- dorsal pancreatic bud
- dorso-lateral
- dorso-lateral marginal zone
- dorsolateral placode
- duct of Cuvier
- duodenum
- ear placode
- early distal tubule
- early embryonic cell
- early proximal tubule
- ectoderm
- ectodermal cell
- egg
- elastica externa
- electrically active cell
- embryo
- embryonic structure
- endocardial tube
- endocardium
- endocrine cell
- endocrine system
- endoderm
- endodermal cell
- endomesoderm
- epaxial muscle
- epibranchial placode
- epicardium
- epidermis
- epidermis inner layer
- epidermis outer layer
- epithelial body
- epithelial cell
- epithelium
- equatorial belt
- esophagus
- exocrine cell
- exocrine pancreas
- external carotid artery
- external ear
- external gill
- external jugular
- eye
- eye primordium
- eye vesicle
- facial muscle
- fasciculated network of fibrils
- fat body
- female genitalia
- female organism
- femur
- fibroblast
- fin
- first pancreatic bud
- floor plate
- follicle cell
- follicle layer
- fore digit
- fore epipodium
- fore mesopodium
- fore metapodium
- fore propodium
- forebrain
- foregut
- forelimb
- forelimb bud
- forelimb region
- forelimb skeleton
- fourth ventricle
- fused heart primordium
- gall bladder
- gamete
- ganglion
- gasserian ganglion
- gastric vein
- gastrula cell
- genital ridge
- genital system
- germ cell
- germ line cell
- germ plasm
- germinal vesicle
- gill primordium
- globe
- glomeral mesenchyme
- glomerulus
- glomerus
- glomus
- gonad
- gustatory system
- gut epithelium
- hatching gland
- hatching gland cell
- head
- head endoderm
- head mesoderm
- head region
- head somite
- head somite 1
- head somite 2
- head somite 3
- head somite 4
- heart
- hematological system
- hematopoietic stem cell
- hepatic vein
- hepato-pancreatic duct
- hind digit
- hind epipodium
- hind limb
- hind limb bud
- hind limb skeleton
- hind mesopodium
- hind metapodium
- hind propodium
- hindbrain
- hindgut
- hindlimb region
- humerus
- hyoid arch
- hyoid arch skeleton
- hyoid crest
- hyomandibular lateral line
- hypaxial muscle
- hypobranchial placode
- hypochord
- hypophyseal primordium
- hypophysis
- ileum
- immune system
- infraorbital lateral line
- infraorbital lateral line primordium
- inner ear
- inner fin
- inner limiting membrane
- intermediate mesoderm
- internal carotid artery
- internal jugular
- interrenal vein
- intestine
- involuted dorsal mesoderm
- involuted ventral mesoderm
- involuting marginal zone
- involuting marginal zone epithelial layer
- involuting marginal zone mesenchymal layer
- iridophore
- iris
- jaw muscle
- joint
- keratin accumulating cell
- kidney
- lagena
- large intestine
- larval aorta
- larval immune system
- larval structure
- larynx
- late distal segment
- late proximal tubule
- lateral
- lateral line placode
- lateral line system
- lateral plate mesoderm
- lateral postcardinal vein
- left atrium
- left channel of ventral aorta
- left spleen primordium
- lens
- lens placode
- ligament cell
- limb
- limb bud
- liver
- liver and biliary system
- liver diverticulum
- liver parenchyme
- liver primordium
- loop of Henle
- lower blastopore lip
- lower eyelid
- lower jaw
- lung
- lung primordium
- lymph vessel
- lymphatic system
- lymphocyte
- male genitalia
- male organism
- mandibular arch
- mandibular crest
- marginal zone
- marginal zone (sensu neural)
- medial
- medial abdominal vein
- medial cardinal vein
- medulla oblongata
- melanophore
- membranous labyrinth
- mesenchyme
- mesentery
- mesoderm
- mesodermal cell
- mesonephric collecting duct
- mesonephric duct
- mesonephric early distal tubule
- mesonephric early proximal tubule
- mesonephric kidney
- mesonephric late distal segment
- mesonephric late proximal tubule
- mesonephric mesenchyme
- mesonephric nephron
- mesonephric sinus
- mesonephric tubule
- metacarpus
- metatarsus
- midbrain
- midbrain-hindbrain boundary
- middle ear
- middle lateral line
- midgut
- mitochondrial aggregate
- morula cell
- mouth
- mouth primordium
- mucus secreting cell
- multi-tissue structure
- muscle
- musculoabdominal vein
- musculoskeletal system
- myelin accumulating cell
- myoblast
- myocardium
- myocoelic slit
- myotome
- myotome of head somite 1
- myotome of head somite 2
- myotome of head somite 3
- myotome of head somite 4
- myotome of trunk somite 1
- myotome of trunk somite 10
- myotome of trunk somite 11
- myotome of trunk somite 12
- myotome of trunk somite 13
- myotome of trunk somite 14
- myotome of trunk somite 15
- myotome of trunk somite 16
- myotome of trunk somite 17
- myotome of trunk somite 2
- myotome of trunk somite 3
- myotome of trunk somite 4
- myotome of trunk somite 5
- myotome of trunk somite 6
- myotome of trunk somite 7
- myotome of trunk somite 8
- myotome of trunk somite 9
- nasal pit
- natural killer cell
- nephrostome
- nerve
- nervous system
- neural crest
- neural fold
- neural groove
- neural plate
- neural tube
- neurocoel
- neurocranium
- neuroectoderm
- neuroectoderm inner layer
- neuroectoderm outer layer
- neuromast mantle cell
- neuromast support cell
- neuron
- non-involuting marginal zone
- nostril
- notochord
- notochordal epithelium
- notochordal sheath
- notoplate
- nucleate erythrocyte
- occipital lateral line
- occipital region
- occipitovertebral artery
- olfactory apparatus
- olfactory epithelial support cell
- olfactory organ
- olfactory placode
- olfactory region
- olfactory system
- omphalomesenteric vein
- oocyte
- opthalmic artery
- optic fiber layer
- optic stalk
- optic tectum
- oral cavity
- oral epithelium
- oral evagination
- orbital region
- organism subdivision
- osseous labyrinth
- otic placode
- otic region
- otic vesicle
- outer fin
- outer limiting membrane
- ovary
- oviduct
- oxygen accumulating cell
- pancreas
- paracrine cell
- parathyroid
- paraxial mesoderm
- pectoral girdle
- pelvic girdle
- pericyte
- peripheral nerve
- peripheral nervous system
- peritoneum
- perivitelline space
- pharyngeal arch
- pharyngeal cavity
- pharyngeal epithelium
- pharynx
- photoreceptor layer
- pigment cell
- pigment layer
- pineal gland
- podocyte
- polar body
- portal vein
- portion of connective tissue
- portion of tissue
- post-anal gut
- postcranial axial skeleton
- posterior
- posterior cardinal vein
- posterior lymph heart
- posterior neural tube
- posterior palatine artery
- posterior vena cava
- posterior wall of neurenteric canal
- pre-chordal neural plate
- prechordal plate
- presacral vertebra
- presomitic mesoderm
- primary germ layer
- primary oogonium
- primary spermatogonium
- primordial germ cell
- primordium
- proctodeum
- profundus ganglion
- pronephric capsule
- pronephric duct
- pronephric kidney
- pronephric mesenchyme
- pronephric nephron
- pronephric nephron segment S1
- pronephric sinus
- pronephros
- proximal
- pulmonary vein
- pupil
- pyloric sphincter
- radio-ulna
- rectal diverticulum
- rectum
- renal distal convoluted tubule
- renal proximal convoluted tubule
- respiratory system
- retina
- retinal ganglion cell layer
- retinal inner nuclear layer
- retinal inner plexiform layer
- retinal layer
- retinal neural layer
- retinal outer nuclear layer
- retinal outer plexiform layer
- retinal pigmented epithelium
- right atrium
- right channel of ventral aorta
- right spleen primordium
- roof plate
- sacculus
- sacral vertebra
- sclera
- sclerotomal cartilage
- sclerotomal mesenchyme
- sclerotome
- sclerotome of head somite 4
- sclerotome of trunk somite 1
- sclerotome of trunk somite 10
- sclerotome of trunk somite 11
- sclerotome of trunk somite 12
- sclerotome of trunk somite 13
- sclerotome of trunk somite 14
- sclerotome of trunk somite 15
- sclerotome of trunk somite 16
- sclerotome of trunk somite 17
- sclerotome of trunk somite 2
- sclerotome of trunk somite 3
- sclerotome of trunk somite 4
- sclerotome of trunk somite 5
- sclerotome of trunk somite 6
- sclerotome of trunk somite 7
- sclerotome of trunk somite 8
- sclerotome of trunk somite 9
- second pancreatic bud
- secondary oogonium
- secondary spermatogonium
- secondary vessel
- semicircular canal
- seminiferous tubule
- sensorial layer
- sensorial layer of neurectoderm
- sensory system
- simple organ
- skeletal muscle
- skeletal system
- skin
- small intestine
- smooth muscle
- solid compound organ
- somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
- somatic stem cell
- somite
- sperm entry point
- spermatid
- spermatocyte
- spermatozoon
- sphenoid region
- spinal cord
- spinal cord neuron
- spinal ganglion
- spinal nerve
- splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
- splanchnocranium
- spleen
- stem cell
- stomach
- stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
- subinterstitial vein
- sucker
- superficial
- superficial (epithelial) layer
- supraorbital lateral line
- surface structure
- suspensorium
- sympathetic chain
- tail
- tail bud
- tail region
- tail somite
- tail vein
- tarsus
- taste bud
- telencephalon
- tendon
- tendon fibroblast
- testis
- thymocyte
- thymus
- thyroid
- thyroid primordium
- tibia-fibula
- tongue
- tooth
- trachea
- transverse process
- trigeminal ganglion
- trigeminal placode
- trunk
- trunk lateral line
- trunk musculature
- trunk neural crest
- trunk placode
- trunk region
- trunk somite
- trunk somite 1
- trunk somite 10
- trunk somite 11
- trunk somite 12
- trunk somite 13
- trunk somite 14
- trunk somite 15
- trunk somite 16
- trunk somite 17
- trunk somite 2
- trunk somite 3
- trunk somite 4
- trunk somite 5
- trunk somite 6
- trunk somite 7
- trunk somite 8
- trunk somite 9
- tympanum
- ultimobranchial body
- unicellular gland
- unspecified
- upper blastopore lip
- upper jaw
- ureter
- urethra
- urinary system
- urogenital system
- urostyle
- utricle
- vascular endothelium
- vegetal
- vegetal blastomere
- vegetal hemisphere
- vegetal part, early involuting
- vegetal yolk mass
- vein
- venous endothelium
- ventral
- ventral aorta
- ventral hyoid arch skeleton
- ventral lateral line
- ventral marginal zone
- ventral pancreatic bud
- ventricular zone
- ventro-lateral
- ventro-lateral marginal zone
- vertebral column
- vestibule
- vestibuloauditory system
- visceral pouch
- visceral pouch 1
- visceral pouch 2
- visceral pouch 3
- visceral pouch 4
- visceral pouch 5
- visceral pouch 6
- viscus
- visual system
- vitelline membrane
- whole organism
- xanthophore
- zygote