This is the community wiki page for the gene rergl.2 please feel free to add any information that is relevant to this gene that is not already captured elsewhere in Xenbase
nomenclature changes
25APRIL2023 Xenopus gene name changed from rergl2 (provisional) to rergl.2 (provisional).
synteny and orthology
there are 3 'RERG' family genes in Xenopus tropicalis:
rergl on Chr3
rergl.2 (GeneID:100145332) on Chr4
based on pattern of synteny, this X. tropicalis gene (GeneID:100145332) is 'NOT' the true ortholog of human RERG nor RERGL. It seems to be a Xenopus and possible amphibian species gene very similar to RERGL, so is named provisionally here with the 'gene 2' suffix, assuming it is. duplication oft he rergl gene.