This is the community wiki page for the gene ppa2 please feel free to add any information that is relevant to this gene that is not already captured elsewhere in Xenbase.
nomenclature changes
RSCOM-688. Swap nomenclature for XB-GENE-985712 (ppa1) and XB-GENE-961143(ppa2)?
RefSeqCase: XB-GENE-985712 (ppa1) on chromosome 1 is the ortholog of human GeneID 27068, PPA2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/27068/ortholog/?scope=8292
XB-GENE-961143(ppa2) on chromosome 7 is the ortholog of human GeneID 5464, PPA1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/5464/ortholog/?scope=8292
Do you agree to swap the XB ids? Thanks!
XB response: the names of XB-GENE-985712 has been changed to ppa2, and XB-GENE-961143 has been changed to ppa1. The orthologs from each page have been updated.