This is the community wiki page for the gene pygb please feel free to add any information that is relevant to this gene that is not already captured elsewhere in Xenbase
nomenclature changes
06FEB2025 RSCOM-694 Nomenclature for pygm and pygb
Can you please take a look at pygb (GeneID:100491051, XB-GENE-966439) and pygm (GeneID:431680, XB-GENE-955302)? Synteny and protein similarity comparisons to human PYGB (GeneID:5834) and PYGM (GeneID:5837) suggest that the nomenclature on the X. tropicalis loci needs to be reversed.
XB response: XB-GENEPAGE-966438 had Xtr.pygb (GeneID:100491051, XB-GENE-966439) XB-GENEPAGE-955301 had Xtr.pygm (GeneID:431680, XB-GENE-955302)
Xenopus nomenclature updated, for XB-GENEPAGE-966438, from pygbglycogen phosphorylase B, to pygm, phosphorylase, glycogen, muscle
Xenopus nomenclature updated, XB-GENEPAGE-955301 gene name/symbol changed from pygm, phosphorylase, glycogen, muscle, to pygb, glycogen phosphorylase B